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NameMr. Cole Stearns
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OrganizationUniversity of Florida
PositionGraduate Student
TopicOrganic Chemistry

Self-Assembling Properties of Hybrid-Deck [2.2]Paracylophanes


Cole D. Stearns, Ajeet Kumar, Will R. Henderson, Khalil A. Abboud, and Ronald K. Castellano*

Author Location(s)

Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, P.O. Box 117200, Gainesville, FL 32611-7200, USA

Abstract[2.2]Paracyclophanes ([2.2]pCps) have been widely studied for decades due to their unique reactivity, optical properties, and stereoelectronics, with many applications in donor-acceptor complexes, thin-film devices, and organocatalysis. However, [2.2]pCps, unlike many other π-systems, have been virtually unexplored in a supramolecular context, and the first [2.2]paracyclophane supramolecular polymers ([2.2]pCpSPs) were reported by our group in 2016 using a [2.2]paracyclophane-tetracarboxamide ([2.2]pCpTA) monomer. Early iterations of [2.2]pCpSPs demonstrated that the core [2.2]pCp scaffold affords distinct π-interactions, intramolecular H-bonding, and steric effects that are unique within the field at large.  Further experimentation in our group has shown that macrodipoles, H-bonding geometries, and amide connectivity of [2.2]pCpTAs are critical variables in dictating strong, cooperative supramolecular polymerization. In this work, we target these variables by synthesizing a library of tetrasubstituted hybrid-deck [2.2]pCps. These novel derivatives each have unique bis-(anilide) and bis-(carboxamide) functionalization and regiochemistry that are expected to have significant effects on the dipole, polymerization mechanism, and assembly strength of the resultant [2.2]pCpSPs. Various solution studies, X-ray crystallography, and density functional theory (DFT) are performed to understand H-bonding geometry, assembly thermodynamics and mechanism, SP macrodipole, and many other parameters critical to optimizing these novel supramolecular scaffolds.

Time02:00 PM